Saturday, April 9, 2011

Show Time

It's one of those beautiful spring days where you're just on the cusp of warmth. I've got a kind of fuck yeah feel good vibe going on.

I've got some shows coming up, which is exciting because I haven't shown my work in awhile. Part of the reason was that I wanted to build up a new body of work that had a consistant theme, which I think is finally coming to fruition. BUT... I'm not showing that here right now. Right now I'd like to back it up a bit and catch you up on some of my flyer design work.

As I've mentioned before, I LOVE designing show flyers. Right after I graduated from college I got a freelance gig to do show flyers for the Ottobar, a music venue in Baltimore. Their deal was that I printed flyers for them, and in order to make money, I came to the shows and set up shop to sell them. Unfortunately, I was competing with the bands merch and the draw of a shot and a beer, so I had to sell these prints at an EXTREMELY low price. The upside of this was that I got to hang out with a bunch of bands, some of whom were legends to me. Anyway, onto the work.

This was my first show flyer design ever. Dactyl's merch table was right next to mine, and they kept me entertained and laughing the whole nite. A good group of dudes. A couple years later I did another poster for them, which I will get to later.

I was really into hand drawn text- all of the text in the posters I did for the Ottobar are hand drawn.

When I researched for this poster, I found that the word "bardo" translates to being in an intermediate state. I chose this to base the illustration on.

Did you know that a pelican mother will cut herself and feed her babies her own blood in order to keep them alive? Well, they do. BAM! Illustrated.

I was SO PSYCHED to do the flyer for this show. This was an epic nite. The Ottobar smelled SO BAD, it was amazing. All the bands were super nice, and I got to hang out with the Subhumans while 1905 played their set. Word.

I was influenced by, uhhh, Satan, for this one.

I did this poster as a rush job for Noel from Dactyl. I had literally JUST moved into a new apartment, so I quickly set up my studio and got it done. I had free reign to design what I wanted, so I went with what I know, which is chicks with epic hair and wolves. The venue name was later added on by Noel.

This is next design was really intended for a t-shirt, but I decided to color it for shits and giggles. Colors courtesy of Black Flag. Talk Me Off became Ratheater, and then half of Rathealer moved to NOLA and all are working on new projects. A solid bunch of people. <3

And to finish it out- here is the first poster I did for R5. I always know an illustration is going well when I feel evil doing it. I felt totally possessed doing this.

If you've made it this far, I owe you a high five. Now, go outside and play.