Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

Alright children, let's pack up and go to +Church+. It's time for worship.

Oh, in case you're not informed, +Church+ is musician Evan Wall's killer solo project. I've known Evan since the awkward years of middle school. And now we're awkward adults. I kid, I kid.

I've been fortunate enough to design a number of images for +Church+ these past couple of years. It's been really rewarding to see how both Evan's and my own work evolves and progresses as time goes on. I have never considered myself a collaborative artist (cause I'm basically a control freak), but I pretty much look at all the work I've done for Evan as a collaboration. He always brings great ideas to the table, and they're dark enough to keep me interested. Goth thoughts, ha.

This is the design for Evan's demo. He came over and helped me screen print these in my then-studio, which was a cruddy old basement. Working class!

The casket design was used for t-shirts initially, but was later integrated into part of the album design for "I did a horrible thing to meet you."

A couple weeks ago, Evan came to me asking to design a show flyer for him. This time he gave me carte blanche to go wild and do whatever I wanted. First off, let me just say that I LOVE designing show flyers. The myriad of ways in which you can approach it are sometimes daunting. This time, I opted for a more narrative approach. I have an obsession with strange urban myths and legends and the like, but I will save those for another entry. The urban legend I chose to illustrate is The Bunnyman Bridge of Fairfax County, VA. Check it out:

I even used a photo of the actual bridge as part of my illustration:

Linework is painted with Speedball Black India Ink, color is digital:

GO TO THIS SHOW. If there's one thing I am sure of, +Church+ puts on a fantastic live show. Evan might even throw in some Sabbath covers for ya.

Check +Church+ out here: